BELL ALL STAR TEAMS NEWS: Bangor East Little League will hold a tryout for all 9 & 10 year old players on Monday, June 7th at 6:30pm at Taylor Field. All 9 & 10 year old players in the
Majors and Minors Divisions are eligible to tryout for our 13 player tournament team. All Star play will begin later in June and will continue into July. The District 3 tournament will be held in Brewer
and the district champion would move on to a state tournament in southern Maine in July.
The BELL 11 & 12 tournament team will be selected by our Majors Division managers. Players/parents should speak with their team head coach to get more information. The 11 & 12 year old
tournament play begins the week of
June 28th and will continue into July.
If you have any questions regarding All Star Tryout please check with your coach or email [email protected].